Culture Minister
Culture Minister
Rodin & I

The Rodin & I project, supported bythe Margency Children’s Hospital (HEM)in partnership with the Rodin Museumand visual artist Caroline Desnoëttes,is part of the regional program “Cultureat the Hospital 2017” within the “Cultureand Health” measures.

  • It is financially supported by DRAC andARS Île-de-France and the association “On a Bed of Colours”
  • The molding workshop of the RMN lentfor 3 months to the HEM the casts of thetactile gallery of the Rodin exhibition ofthe Grand Palais.
  • The Rodin Museum lent a mold ofThe Thinker for 3 months to HEM.

72 children have created nearly a hundred pieces of art, echibited at the Rodin museum on October 30th and from December 5th till 10th 2017.

Many thanks to:
  • Agnes Buzyn, Health & solidarities Minister
  • Françoise Nyssen, Minister of Cutlture
  • Jean-Jacques Eledjam, President of the French Red Crss
  • Fatima Oudghiri, Director of the children hospital of Margency (HEM), French Red Cross
  • Brigitte Dessutter, Director of the Social-Educational service of the HEM
  • Catherine Chevillot, Director of Rodin Museum
  • Eva Bouillo, in charge of the public service for disabled persons of the Rodin Museum
  • Mehdi Idir, Territorial advisor at the DRAC of Île de France
  • Laetitia Mailho, Director of the Arts et Santé, La Manufacture Association, Coordination of the Health & Culture service for the ARS in IDS
  • Fabrice Gaboriau et Jérôme Manoukian for their photographs of the Rodin Museum
It is with great pride that the ministry of Culture welcomes the works of aspiring artists from Margency Children’s Hospital, as part of the remarkable project Rodin & I.
These works, of a powerful sensitivity, are the fruit of the encounter between young patients and the monumental work of Rodin thanks to artistic practice. The opportunity given to these children to create, to engage in such a project, to practice an art is a valuable means of emancipation. It’s a window of freedom that I wished to offer to everyone’s eyes.
This project is also the fruit of the commitment of on-the-ground stakeholders : the teams of the hospital, the Rodin Museum and the artist Caroline Desnoëttes, whom I thank warmly for their exemplary commitment.
These works are finally the fruit of the combined will of two Ministries : the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Health and Solidarities, which cooperate through the program “Culture and Health” hosted by the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs – Ile-de-France and the Regional Health Agency, so that access to culture becomes a reality everywhere, including in hospitals.
Thank you to those who contributed to the success of this project, a big congratulations to the young artists, and may everyone enjoy this very beautiful exhibition,
Françoise Nyssen, Minister of Culture

Caroline Desnoëttes
Caroline Desnoëttes:
+33 6 63 79 53 71
Solenn de la Croix:
+33 6 67 02 05 26
Solenn de la Croix